
We are seekers now, now that the truth is revealed.
We are seekers now, now that the truth is revealed.

Motivated today in ways not considered before. We seek a new way of being to live together now, without all the Law and oppression. Yet at the same time, called...

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Stop it, We have been deceived
Stop it, We have been deceived

The history we are taught, seemingly to represent the all of all, is not. For our history the depth and width, hidden now for already enough time that truly unrecoverable,...

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To be Economic or Economical
To be Economic or Economical

In many places I look these words are being redefined to directly relate to money. And are now (seemingly) being taught to our kids this way. ec·o·nom·i·cal (ĕk′ə-nŏm′ĭ-kəl, ē′kə-) adj....

Posted by | 24/02/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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My World

No Money.   Food, everywhere grows what they can. Collectively, using as much green tech as possible. Those unable to support themselves either move or get supplied. Locally, locally is...

Posted by | 20/02/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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What, what really does it mean to profit?
What, what really does it mean to profit?

The word profit has been stolen, redefined in fact. Its current definition probably almost always brings thoughts of course, of money or gold. For isn’t “profit” perhaps only the only...

Posted by | 17/02/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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There is a path that each life takes.
There is a path that each life takes.

A scared precious path that is walked by us all. Individually the path must be taken. Sometimes with the help of family and friends sometimes without. Long or short, fair...

Posted by | 15/02/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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Normal, what is this thing called normal?
Normal, what is this thing called normal?

Programmed in, it has been. Be “normal”, don’t stand out, don’t risk it, how dare you! Don’t you dare, don’t you dare be brave enough to be yourself. “Normal” it...

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Now the most important part
Now the most important part

The crunch of the stones under foot. The warmth of sun on the cheek, that cool breeze arriving just in time. The sound of the ocean caressing or at war...

Posted by | 12/02/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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As I reach out

Have I stopped to consider When my eyes move this way or that, the entire Universe adjusts to let me see the new view. That of depth and colour experience...

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Fair – what drives us deep about everything being fair
Fair - what drives us deep about everything being fair

No one said life was going to be fair. In nature, as it is with us for we are also nature, nothing is fair. Bugs, birds, animals, trees, life comes...

Posted by | 08/02/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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