Made perfect, remain perfect, can be perfect whenever you put down the world enough, enough to let life really take hold. All the mind talk, all the lies told, all...
Made perfect, remain perfect, can be perfect whenever you put down the world enough, enough to let life really take hold. All the mind talk, all the lies told, all...
What the world misses, has had stolen perhaps. The joy of living, drifting in the emotion of life. The laughter, the love (oh the love), the lightness we all carry...
I have been where few others have. Where the experience and risk so intense, drys your mouth, prevents sweat glands from working, because every calorie spent not keeping life sustained...
Some want to cure world poverty; others just want to pluck the courage to ask someone out on a date. Others, exploration of the soul and all the entire universe...
Like a bird soaring effortlessly on a hot warm thermal day. Like the wisp of spray blown gently back from the top of the wave. Like fog gently rising to...
Complicated made beyond measure it seems. Rushing past at an ever accelerating rate. Busy, speed, pressure, strain, stress. Bills to pay, always someone else to complain about, always something to....
(Please read this slowly, reread if necessary many times. Let it take hold.) Perhaps the hardest of all to wrestle with, for we each carry our own. All of us...
Not cold nor hot, not strong nor soft. It blows, bringing the change that comes. It blows powered from places so deep, so far, from times of old that no...
Just watched a clip on YouTube four times. Thought it’s interesting to reflect. Yes I did enjoy it, watch it a few days back and now twice more today. Wasn't...
When the sound turned off, the lights are extinguished, when the show is over and all have gone home. When politician has totally removed all your “rights”. When “The Law”...